Archive for September, 2013

201 Pounds down….and a sneak peek at Halloween.

Posted in Health, News, Personal, Weigh-In | 2 Comments

So you will see below my picture isn’t the normal one…it’s a hint at what I’m doing for Halloween, though I may very likely need to get some help with my makeup. Pictures will come in October I promise but no hints before hand.

Oh and in other news I’ve officially lost more than 200 pounds! And the timing is perfect since my 6 month follow-up in Nashville as this Thursday. Now I’ve not lost 200 pounds in 6 months I’ve lost that in just under one year though. Since my surgery in April I’ve lost just shy of 130 pounds which is completely amazing. I know I have a long road of weigh loss ahead…especially as the loss slows down but I’m am confident in my diligence to keep it up.

So while this isn’t a big update in terms of the volume of news at hand it most certainly is a big update BIG update in terms of weight gone!

~rev (354 pounds)

It’s been a while

Posted in News, Personal, Weigh-In | 2 Comments

I have way to much to say in a written entry…so watch this video instead. I’m sorry for the fuzzy video as I completely missed my floor mark after setting the depth of field on the 20mm lens.


Weight Loss, Dragon Con and Jogging? (18m 35s)


Also I’m still looking for that dragon con footage…when I find it I will push the link here so come back later! Also (and maybe I’m just paranoid) but while editing I swear I noticed some grey hair dammit! Oh and I should have shaved…meh…

And if you want a little behind the scenes check this out for the first two minutes of footage to hit the cutting room floor. The rest however is gone…That video is posted over @


~rev (358 pounds)
