Posts Tagged weight loss

It’s been a while

Posted in News, Personal, Weigh-In | 2 Comments

I have way to much to say in a written entry…so watch this video instead. I’m sorry for the fuzzy video as I completely missed my floor mark after setting the depth of field on the 20mm lens.


Weight Loss, Dragon Con and Jogging? (18m 35s)


Also I’m still looking for that dragon con footage…when I find it I will push the link here so come back later! Also (and maybe I’m just paranoid) but while editing I swear I noticed some grey hair dammit! Oh and I should have shaved…meh…

And if you want a little behind the scenes check this out for the first two minutes of footage to hit the cutting room floor. The rest however is gone…That video is posted over @


~rev (358 pounds)


Four Oh Nothing…

Posted in Personal, Weigh-In | 1 Comment

That’s right. This morning I weighed in at 396 (See what I did there?) so now down 159 pounds I’ve left the 400s behind and hopefully soon the 300’s will follow suit. So what does that amount of weight loss translate into terms of size? Well I’ve lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 18 inches off my waist line and my belt that was too small for me is now about to have its 3rd new hold added to keep up with me.

While I have slowed down substantially in the weight loss department it is still moving in the right direction though not everything is. It turns out I have a slight tear in my Achilles Tendon (sp) because my 2 miles a day was maybe a little too much so for now I’m taking it easy and icing it down till my doctor lets me know what I can do to fix the issue. Also I’m not stopping all exercise, just not pushing off so much so for now I’ll just have to be careful.

P1010338In other news I baked salmon for the first time since surgery and thankfully I still liked it, because you never know how you will react to some foods. This particular salmon wasn’t that great (quality) but was good enough to enjoy. The only problem is with my restrictive intake it will take a few days to finish the smallest salmon steak I could even find. I hope the leftovers as also good because you never know.


~rev (396 Pounds)


Blog or Vlog?

Posted in Health, News, vlog, Weigh-In | 6 Comments

That’s right. The internet isn’t just for porn and cat videos…turns out  anyoneimage can put crap out there. So over the last few days I’ve been thinking I might start doing a video blog and I wanted your thoughts. Should I do video at all? Should I do video sometimes but still write entries too? Should I use Video for a portion of the entry but have the rest in text? Below you will find an example of what my VLOG might look like. I took this in my breakfast nook where I’ve been taking my weight loss pictures in my signature but I would move around and do them elsewhere, again this is just an idea.


To vlog or not to vlog….


So what do you think? Leave a comment her or over on youtube or shoot me an email….or find me walking around Knoxville and yell at me from a passing know whatever works for you. 🙂


~rev (419 Pounds)


Sleep apnea issues and household chores…

Posted in Health, Miscellaneous, Personal | 3 Comments

I like many obese people in the world suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, one of the things I will hopefully be cured of when I lose all my excess weight, but for now I use an Oxygen Concentrator (4L) and a BiPAP Machine to help me sleep through the night.

So last night my BiPAP decided to die on me and needless to say this resulted in a horrible night’s sleep. I have an appointment with the company who services my stuff but since I own this unit I’ll likely either need to pay the service call fee or submit for a new unit through my insurance company.

On a positive not however I’m down to 432 pounds which means since surgery I’ve lose 36 pounds bringing my total weight loss (pre surgery included) to 110 pounds. I still have a long way to go, but I’m feeling great overall and this is a hell of a jump start on my excess weight loss. IMG_1341

And speaking of feeling great overall, I found myself starting to do more and more simple household chores and projects. For example, just last night I replace my home thermostat with a Nest Second Generation Wi-Fi enabled one, which took me around an hour or so, between going back and forth to the breaker box and documenting and removing the old unit then installing the new one, and even though in the end my sciatica did flair up just a bit causing my right leg to go a little numb I was able to deal with the whole thing without sitting once. And that was all after I replaced the guest bathroom shower head with one I purchased months ago but haven’t had the inkling to get it done until now.

I did however forget to drink during that hour so I got a little dehydrated, but I managed to rehydrate with little effort. So tonight I plan to replace the door knobs (2 of them) that have been giving me trouble and take a look at why my office door doesn’t shut properly. It’s really nice to be able to start doing things like this again.


~rev (432 Pounds)
